Labels:book | bulletin board | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF S.0 Appendices writing the Clear code in which case you will UM t do it right after adding tsble cntry 4093. or aficr the clcar code 9-bit code Decompression gives the same result in: either caSe To make things litle simpler for the deconpressor, will require that cach strin begins with a Clear code and spua with EniOfinformation code Every LZW -compressed strip must begin on. a bytc boundary peou J THot begin word boundary LZW compression spos arc storcd into hytes in high-1o-l low 1apro-. fashion, i.c FillOrder assumed to be I. TTO possitwos codes ar written bytes n words that the compressed dat wilb identical regardless of whethet itis ET' 'MM' file Nole that the LZW string table is contin uously updated I history of the strings s that have been encountered in the data It thus refl ...